Modern Car Technologies Alert

Heads-ups for new car technologies to focus on enhancing safety and reduce commotions

New technologies in the cars will be used to reduce the distractions and ultimately enhance the safety on road to ease the life on the roads. The technologies like anti-lock braking system, traction assist system, fuel efficiency system, are all well praised and wonderful but the point is that all these technologies largely never seen on the majority of traffic on the roads.

New car technologies to focus on enhancing safety

What automakers should do then?

As automakers focus on developing new cars with ultimate gadgets, they always focus on advanced engineering techniques but only for new cars. Develop hybrid vehicles, then electric cars and now hydrogen powered vehicles, which is good for the environment, but what about those billions of vehicles already on the roads. These old fashioned vehicles risking millions of lives every year.Automakers must think about the safety of cars and drivers, install equipment that can warn drivers about the risks and hazards ahead.


Newest Engineering Development

Currently, the newest engineering development is hybrid vehicles, either they are plug-in hybrids or hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles. These vehicles are built to keep the use of traditional fuels like diesel and petrol at a minimum and help the environment.

People want to reduce the carbon footprints and buy relatively greener cars. BMW i3 electric car features a carbon fibre reinforced body shell and chassis. It is extremely strong and lightweight.There is a small gas powered version of the i3 also available. This tiny car covers 97 miles per gallon equivalent.

BMW i3

Driverless cars

On the other hand, engineers are looking to go driverless and the driverless mobility has become inevitable in the last couple of years. These driverless cars will soon be the part of an automakers’ fleet of passenger cars and trucks. Ultimately, driverless cars are the answer to issues like safety. 

Driverless cars
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